Cold Cores - Toulouse 28.-30.5.2024

The 14th meeting of the Cold Cores project will be held in Toulouse from Tuesday the 28th to Thursday the 30th of May 2024. The days will consist of normal presentations and of discussion sessions on observing projects and ongoing studies.
SOC: Isabelle Ristorcelli, Mika Juvela
Practical information
The Cold Cores 2024 meeting takes place at IRAP, Toulouse (9, avenue du Colonel Roche). The meeting is planned to start with coffee at 9:00 on Tuesday the 28th of May and to end at lunch time (around 13:00) on Thursday the 30th of May. The conference dinner will be organised in the evening of the 29th, in downtown Toulouse.
Accommodation options:
- Cité Internationale
- Hotel Royal Wilson, 6 rue Labéda, 31000 Toulouse, Tel: (+33) 05 61 12 41 41
- Hôtel Ours Blanc Centre, 14, Place Victor Hugo, 31000 Toulouse, Tel : +33 (0)5 61 21 25 97
- Hotel Ours Blanc Place Victor Hugo, 25 Place Victor Hugo, 31000 Toulouse, Tel : +33 (0)5 61 23 14 55
- Grand Hotel d'Orléans, 72, rue Bayard, 31000 Toulouse, Tel : (+33) 05 61 62 98 47
- B&B Hotel Toulouse Centre Canal du Midi, 77 Boulevard de l'Embouchure, 31200 Toulouse, Tel: (+33) 08 92 78 81 02
Tuesday, 28th of May
09:00-09:15 | Welcome coffee | |
09:15-09:20 | Isabelle and Mika | Opening of the meeting |
Large scale session | ||
09:20-09:50 | Douglas Marshall | New insights on the nature of the Local Arm |
09:50-10:20 | Barnabé Déforêt | 3D extinction mapping of the Milky Way with the Besancon Galaxy Model in the Gaia era |
10:20-10:50 | Coffee Break | |
10:50-11:15 | Thomas Lheureux | Improvements to the Gaia distance tool for the PGCC |
11:15-11:40 | András Péter Joó | Sub-mm point sources in PGCCs |
11:40-12:05 | Nóra Varga | A study of GCCs in Heiles Cloud 2 |
12:05-12:30 | Enikö Pichler | HI line properties and relationship to star formation in nearby dwarf galaxy DDO 43 |
12:30-14:30 | Lunch break | |
14:30-15:00 | Viktor Toth | Galactic and extragalactic star formation |
Lines / surveys | ||
15:00-15:30 | Job Vorster | B-FROST: Survey Description and First Results |
15:30-16:00 | Emma Mannfors | BFROST: cloud structure and evolution in the Lambda Orionis molecular ring |
16:00-16:30 | Coffee Break | |
16:30-17:30 | Discussion |
Wednesday, 29th of May
Thursday, 30th of May
09:00-09:30 | Mika Juvela | Modelling dust emission in Taurus and Orion cloud filaments |
09:30-10:00 | Dana Makarova | Detection of hub-filament systems: insights from numerical simulation |
10:00-10:30 | Veli-Matti Pelkonen | Origin and Evolution of Angular Momentum of Class II Disks |
10:30-11:00 | Coffee Break | |
11:00-12:30 | Discussion | |
12:30 | End of the meeting |
List of participants and preliminary talk titles
- Alina, Dana (University of Astana): B field structure of the ring-like molecular cloud G111
- Berné, Olivier (IRAP, Toulouse): Results from the JWST ERS PDRs4All
- Déforêt, Barnabé (Besancon observatory)3D extinction mapping of the Milky Way with the Besancon Galaxy Model in the Gaia era
- Demyk, Karine (IRAP, Toulouse): NIKA2 and Herschel analysis of the JWST targets
- Doi, Yasuo (University of Tokyo): Multi-component Magnetic Field in the Sagittarius Spiral Arm (II)
- Falgarone, Edith (ENS, Paris): Why sub-mm dust continuum emission is not a faithful tracer of the nature of faint filaments in molecular clouds
- Ferrière, Katia (IRAP, Toulouse): A three-dimensional reconstruction of the interstellar magnetic field toward G139
- Joó, András Péter (ELTE, Budapest): Sub-mm point sources in PGCCs
- Juvela, Mika (University of Helsinki): Modelling dust emission in Taurus and Orion cloud filaments
- Kiviaho, Wilma (IRAP, Toulouse): NIKA2 and Herschel analysis of the L1506 star forming filament
- Liu, Tie (Shanghai Observatory; remote participant): Results from the ALMA-ATOMS/QUARKS survey
- Lheureux, Thomas (IRAP, Toulouse): Improvements to the Gaia distance tool for the PGCC
- Mai, Xiaofeng (Shanghai Observatory; remote participant)
- Makarova, Dana (University of Astana): Detection of hub-filament systems: insights from numerical simulations
- Marshall, Douglas (IRAP, Toulouse): New insights on the nature of the Local Arm
- Mannfors, Emma (University of Helsinki): BFROST: cloud structure and evolution in the Lambda Orionis molecular ring
- Montier, Ludovic (IRAP, Toulouse)
- Montillaud, Julien (Besancon observatory; remote participant)
- Oers, Jonathan (IRAP, Toulouse): Statistical analysis of the relative orientation between filaments and magnetic fields in the GCC fields
- Paradis, Deborah (IRAP, Toulouse)
- Pattle, Kate (UCLAN): Magnetic fields and star formation (TBC)
- Pelkonen, Veli-Matti (IAPS-INAF; remote participant): Origin and Evolution of Angular Momentum of Class II Disks
- Pichler, Enikő (ELTE, Budapest; remote participant): HI line properties and relationship to star formation in nearby dwarf galaxy DDO 43
- Ristorcelli, Isabelle (IRAP, Toulouse)
- Tharakkal, Devika (University of Helsinki): Continuous dust emissions in interstellar clouds with polarized radiative transfer program
- Toth, Viktor (ELTE, Budapest): Galactic and extragalactic star formation
- Varga, Nóra (ELTE, Budapest): A study of GCCs in Heiles Cloud 2
- Vastel, Charlotte (IRAP, Toulouse)
- Vorster, Job (University of Helsinki): B-FROST: Survey Description and First Results
- Ysard, Nathalie (IRAP, Toulouse)